Monday, November 30, 2015

Texas Veterans Business Summit

Our very own Brad Gurney attended the 5th annual Texas Veterans Business Summit that was held at the Dallas Central Library on November 12, 2015. Approximately 150 to 200 veterans interested in starting or growing a business were in attendance.

The opening session consisted of remarks by Major General James Williams, USMC ret Honorary Chairman of the Summit and entrepreneur; Marine veteran Ryan Holloway owner of Holloway Benefit Concepts and co-founder of the monthly Veterans in Business luncheon; Army Veteran John Avila owner of Thomas Bryne construction company; Air Force Veteran Luther Branham Dallas Market President of the Lift Fund.

Following the opening session were two concurrent workshops. The workshops feature 20 veteran entrepreneurs and 4 business experts including aware winning Marine Veteran entrepreneur Alex Fender who is the founder of Funnel Science; Mark Anthony Pagea Navy Veteran; Wayne Huddleston, an Army Veteran representing the Small Business Administration. 

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